In a few weeks’ time the laureate of this year’s edition of Per Artem ad Deum will be announced


SACROEXPO 2011 Per Artem Ad Deum

In 2011 Stanisław Niemczyk was presented with the Per Artem ad Deum medal

The countdown has already started …

Until now the medals of the Pontifical Council for Culture have been presented during the SACROEXPO exhibition to six renowned artists and one institution.

Let us recall what the laureates said upon receipt of the accolade.

“(…) every person wants to leave their trace since everybody has a purpose to live; everybody is unique with their sensitivity, emotions and the way they perceive the world. It is all about the ability to express yourself and share it with others. Sooner or later everybody comes to such ruminations. The Per Artem Ad Deum medal I have received is the most profound manifestation of appreciation for my work”

“I am touched by the fact that my music has gained recognition from such an estimable body and that I was presented with the distinction by Archbishop Ravasi – said Wojciech Kilar upon reception of the Per Artem Ad Deum medal – The cognizance of the fact that people need what I do is most important to me”

“I thought that as the years go by, the enthusiasm associated with being presented a prize weakens. I was wrong. It has become apparent that I am equally happy with every distinction I am presented. For me the Per Artem Ad Deum medal is “a light in the tunnel” for the years to come.”